Saturday 16 June 2007

Be careful who you talk to.

I remember when I first discussed my GripSox(TM) idea with a few close friends and clients. I must say, the reactions were quite varied. Some dismissed it as a silly idea, others said it was a great idea, but too difficult and time consuming to pursue.

Luckily I didn't listen to some of these negative people otherwise my GripSox(TM) idea would have never reached an international marketplace and I wouldn't have the current passive income stream that I now enjoy. It is great to be able to sleep at night knowing that an idea I pursued with is now selling on the streets somewhere overseas, and, thanks to the internet, I often wake to numerous emails from people purchasing or praising my product.

So, whilst it is often important to "bounce" your ideas off people for some constructive feedback, you need to choose these people carefully. Don't let negative people influence your decision making.

How do you deal with such negative people? Let me know your thoughts.

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