Sunday 7 October 2007

Make your own luck.

One of my pet hates is when people, usually jealous people, constantly refer to someone else's business success as "luck". It's as though the person has simply bought themselves a lottery ticket and hoped for the best.

What these envious people fail to see are the countless hours and hard work that successful people put in daily to get where they are in life.

I am a firm believer in people making their own luck, and thus, creating their own destiny. Whilst I believe there is such a thing as "being in the right place at the right time", in most of these cases the person involved is being proactive in the first place by getting themselves to "that right place".

The path to business, personal or life success requires a lot more than simple "luck". It involves continual hard work, time and effort, persistence, patience and dedication to name a few traits.

So, instead of being the type of person who takes the easy option and attributes plain old luck to being the reason why someone is so successful, try putting in a few hard yards yourself and create your own luck to reach success.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true. I think 'luck' is when preperation meets oppourtunity.

So the 'hard work' that people dont see is the preperation that ALLOWS YOU to get lucky!

Great post!