Tuesday, 29 May 2007

I have an idea! What next?

Most of us at one time or another have had a "light bulb" moment and come up with an idea they think is going to be the NEXT BIG THING!

From the person who first decided that it might be a good idea to slice bread, to that other clever person who thought it might be worthwhile putting a bit of plastic at the end of their shoelace. And my personal favourite- the guy (must have been a guy) who was too lazy to get up off the couch and change the channels on his television that he invented the remote control. Who'd have thought that such simple ideas could make someone famous (and rich) one day?

The difference between most people and these three brainiacs I just mentioned is that they acted upon their idea. I'm always speaking with people who tell me of their next big "whizz bang" idea- the only problem being that they are either too lazy to work on it becoming a reality, or for some reason they (or someone else) talks them out of pursuing their dream.

Imagine that poor guy having to get up every time he flicked through the thousands of pay TV channels every day!

Whilst it is important not to jump in too hastily to the first thought that enters your mind,
procrastination can be as equally destructive to someone wanting to develop their "light bulb" idea.

Over the next few blogs, I will endeavour to give you a few tips on how I developed my GripSox(TM) idea and brought it to an international market.

What big idea do you have, and more importantly, what are you going to do about it?


Anonymous said...

Hi Luke
I just found your blog. Your GripSox business sounds most interesting. I look forward to hearing more of your stories. I am a bit of a procrastinator so I'm looking forward to some motivational business tips.

Luke Goodwin said...

Thanks anon,
I hope you continue to enjoy some of the upcoming posts and can put into practice some of the tips. I look forward to hearing from you again.