Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Review & Preview

Firstly, I must apologize for my lack of posts over the past couple of months but as is the case with most of you, things always get pretty crazy towards the end of the year.

I hope you are all enjoying your Christmas break and are taking a well earned rest.

Those of you who are already business owners would know that there is really no such thing as a "complete break" from work. If you are like me, there is always something in the back of your mind relating to work. However, it is still important to have a few days away from the desk, computer, shop etc. in order to clear your mind.

At this time of year I find it helpful to do a "review & preview" of the year that was, and of the year to come.

It does not have to be any lengthy process; in fact, I find it better if it's kept to a maximum of one page.

The idea is to look back on the year and basically reflect on what worked well and what didn't. This will help you do your preview for the forthcoming year and see what things you will continue with, as well as what things need to be modified or perhaps put on the shelf for next year.

Hopefully you have all had a successful 2007, but remember, 2008 can always be better!

Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2008 to you all. See you in the new year.


Anil said...

Yep.. I just started doing this, this year!

I am kinda "entrepreneurial" myself :)

Nice Blog, BTW!

Luke Goodwin said...

Hi Anil,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck with your own business ventures and please come by again soon.